Donation FAQ

Where does my donation go?

100% of individual donations go to children and their families, while grants and corporate sponsors provide for The Hope Company operations and logistics.

Who does The Hope Company team help?

The Hope Company provides support in 2 primary ways:

  • We give Hope Boxes to children and families to offer a spark of joy in the middle of dark times, to remind them that there is a community of support and care behind them.

  • We build and join communities as we walk hand in hand with every child who is fighting cancer.

Can I personally deliver gifts to the children?

Due to patient confidentiality, safety, and infection control policies, our donors are not allowed to deliver the gifts directly to the patients.

How many ways can I donate?

The Hope Company is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and your gift is Tax-Deductible. Currently there are 2 ways to support us: